Geotechnical Engineering

Premier prides itself not only in providing high-quality engineering design services but also providing practical and economical engineering designs with a high-level of effective communication. Our geotechnical engineering group is extremely hands-on and very sensitive to its clients’ needs and desires. The following are some of the engineering design services we offer:
Geotechnical Engineering
Site Investigations
Shallow and deep foundation system design and construction considerations
Excavations and dewatering design and considerations
Specification review and consulting
Site preparation recommendations and considerations
Value engineering services
LRFD and ASD deep foundation design for bridges
Below-grade retaining wall design and considerations
Rigid and flexible pavement design/rehabilitation recommendations per AASHTO and LADOTD requirements
Site stability and retention design and consideration
Slope Stability Analysis
Geotechnical Laboratory Testing
Triaxial compression tests with pore pressure measurements
Unconfined compression tests on soil
Standard and Modified Proctor compaction tests
Atterberg limit tests
Sieve analysis tests
Hydrometer tests
Moisture content tests
Dry density tests
Specific gravity tests